通过提供积极主动的建议和规划,我们鼓励和授权学生 制定切合实际的十大赌博正规平台在线计划,探索专业和职业选择,以及 参与有意义的决策,所有这些都是在一个欢迎、包容的环境中进行的, and supportive.
十大赌博正规平台在线咨询的任务是促进教育探究的过程 通过意图和设计促进智力、个人和社会的发展 of students.
Student Advising & Success is located in the 1400 suite of the main academic building. Stop in!
你的成功教练在这里指导你完成你的十大赌博正规平台在线之旅,从 Orientation. Need to schedule an appointment with your Success Coach? Click below!
Feeling overwhelmed with your schedule? Wondering what resources are available to you? Want to figure out how to get more involved? Need some help figuring out your classes? Thinking about changing your major?
Want to just talk about navigating life as a college student?
We are here for you!
每个学生都被分配了支持人员和教师根据他或她选择的道路 of study. 每个学生首先被分配一个成功教练-谁是你的成功 Coach is based on the college that houses your chosen path of study. Students may 同时也要分配一名指导老师——这可能会在你被录取或录取后发生 在你大学生涯的后期,同样,这取决于你选择的学习道路. Success Coaches assist new and current students by:
Success Coaches listed by Major
要预约你的成功教练,直接通过电子邮件联系他们 or phone based on the information above.
要找到指定的指导老师和成功教练,请登录我的门户或点击 on the Faculty Advisor List link.
如果你正在考虑另一个专业或辅修,你可以和你的老师讨论这个问题 导师,从你感兴趣的其他专业中寻找教师,并进行探索 options through the Madonna University Office of Career Development.